We have been told in the past that kids shouldn’t be lifting heavy weights. We’ve had a rough guideline for young kids that they really shouldn’t be doing any sort of formal strength training before puberty / teenage years. We’ve...
In our health and fitness blog we aim cover all things training and healthcare, read our latest post below.
Stop Fearing The Barbell
Getting stronger is very simple. Do stuff that's hard enough for a long enough period of time and you will build strength. We will see muscular changes, bone changes, connective tissue changes and central nervous system changes...
Exercises for Beginners: Where to Start?
Stuck not knowing where to start on your exercise journey? We’ve all been a novice at some point in our lives. And I believe having the right system in place to help is paramount to being successful. I’ve worked with thousands...
Hamstring Tendonitis
Do you have hamstring tendonitis? You are not alone. Upwards of 33% of athletes 16-25 experience a hamstring injury. If you’re an athlete then it’s likely you’ve either pulled your hamstring or worked through pain in the back of your leg at some point. The...
Exercises For Knee Pain
What are some exercises we can do for knee pain? First, we have to get to the root of the problem. Where is the pain located? Is it in the front of the knee, the back of the knee, the inside, the outside? We should then ask...
Training With Pain or Injury: Prevention vs Response
How do we go about training with pain or injury? We often over-complicate the process. There are only two things we can control in our body: 1. How well we prepare 2. How well we respond If we look at diet as an example, we...
Plantar Fasciitis Physical Therapy. What Can We Do?
Millions of people suffer from plantar fasciitis each year. About 1 in 10 people will be affected in their lifetime. It is one of the toughest injuries we treat as physical therapists. It tends to be extremely painful, become...
What Makes Up Good Workout Routines?
Good workout routines are difficult to find and, ideally, are individualized and structured based on your injury and medical history, your experience levels, and your goals for training. There is never a “one size fits all” approach, and for good reason. As a...
What Is Physical Therapy?
What is physical therapy is a common question we still get asked today, despite physical therapy’s increasing value in society. And I feel like my answer to this question might be surprising. The classic understanding of who a PT is and what we do can be found here....
Is Perfect Form Really Possible? And Does It Matter?
Perfect form does not exist. Movement is very complex and everyone has a different anatomy. There is no right and wrong way to lift something heavy or run or jump. Good coaches will enhance an athletes abilities based on what they see. But we need to stop teaching people that there is a right and wrong way to move.