In our health and fitness blog we aim cover all things training and healthcare, read our latest post below.

How Often Should You Change Your Gym Program?

How Often Should You Change Your Gym Program?

How often should you change your gym program is a common question we get asked. This concept is called “periodization”. The answer? It really does depend on a lot of different factors. How long have you been training? Are you a...



Adam Silver, commissioner of the NBA, came out last week and essentially said that load management is a bit of a farce. That actually, a lot of early season injuries can be attributed to lack of quality off-season training. ...

How Important is Stretching?

How Important is Stretching?

How Important is stretching to your health? And how much should time should you invest in it? There’s been a lot of talk around stretching lately. People like me have been clamoring for many years that stretching is very overrated and takes up way too large of a role...

What Is The Best Way To Recover

What Is The Best Way To Recover

What does recovery even mean? What is the most effective way to recover? Should I do active recovery or passive recovery? The word recovery gets used a lot with training these days. And it is really important with regards to...

Asymmetries Are Normal!

Asymmetries Are Normal!

Imagine doing everything you’ve ever done right handed but expecting the left to have the same size or skill level. Unless you are ambidextrous, you've been brushing your teeth, writing, swinging a bat or a club, kicking a ball...

Working Out When You’re Crunched For Time

Working Out When You’re Crunched For Time

You don’t need a bunch of equipment or a heavy investment of time to keep moving you forward with your training. Obviously we’d like to spend some hours at the gym lifting weights, doing some effective zone 2 cardio, working on...

Pain Is Normal

Pain Is Normal

Pain is normal. I know this might seem crazy coming from a physical therapist, but everyone has pain and sometimes that's ok and perfectly normal. I think the biggest reason I'm relaying this message is to help people understand...

The Health Insurance Dilemma

The Health Insurance Dilemma

Obviously, everyone has seen the story of the UHC CEO who was murdered last week. Many people have been quick to praise it, and although I understand the sentiment for taking down a powerful, greedy, corrupt individual, the guy...

The Importance of Exercise As We Age

The Importance of Exercise As We Age

Exercise is important at every age. Babies need to crawl and walk and reach the rest of their motor milestones. Children need to climb and run and jump and play. Teenagers need to play sports or compete. Adults need to exercise...