The Health Insurance Dilemma

The Health Insurance Dilemma

Obviously, everyone has seen the story of the UHC CEO who was murdered last week. Many people have been quick to praise it, and although I understand the sentiment for taking down a powerful, greedy, corrupt individual, the guy was still murdered and left a family behind, so I can’t really support it. But often times it takes a terrible event to spark some of the most important debates. So I thought maybe it was time to open up the discussion and do my part to illuminate some of the greed that truly is happening in the insurance industry from a healthcare provider’s perspective. Here are three key points:

First of all, last year, Insurances from the big 7 that control almost all of the healthcare space, made a combined revenue of 1.4 trillion dollars. More than 70 billion in profit. It just shows the scale at which we are currently paying middle men for healthcare coverage. You, the patients, aren’t receiving good enough care. And us, as provider’s aren’t getting paid what we are worth. So as a nation, we are flushing away more than 70 Billion annually to middle men and STILL paying Trillions out of pocket for copays and non covered services. It’s a lose lose for healthcare.

Second, I want to spend a couple of minutes trying to briefly explain how, at the most basic level, providers like me who are cash based or out of network are forced to choose between quality care or participation with the major insurance companies. I charge $150-$200 for a one hour session. As someone who graduated with a doctorate degree, who has a wealth of knowledge in the rehab and fitness spaces, I’m charging similar rates as a decent personal trainer in my area for an hour of work. In order to participate with health insurance companies and allow patients to see me through their insurance,  I am forced to accept one third or half of that payment. For reference, a few years ago when I was taking insurance, UHC paid me $68 for a visit. That’s less than my barber makes in an hour. So, to run a business where I can pay employees, pay a front desk, pay rent, pay overhead…I now need to see 3 clients per hour instead of 1. So, in a nutshell, insurance companies have handcuffed physical therapists, doctors, dentists, chiropractors…everyone in healthcare that can accept insurance…into deciding do I take insurance and average 20 minutes with a patient or try my best to do quality work and see people for an hour and give them the time they deserve and the best my expertise has to offer? Since I’ve worked at many in network companies, you are not getting good care in 20 minutes no matter how good the PT is. And for most orthopedics it’s about 5 minutes. You need time to explain things. You need time to talk about your pain, what you’re feeling, where you’re feeling it. To talk about progressions or regressions. To demonstrate proper technique and determine the appropriate intensities. To talk through what you’re doing at home. You cannot get quality results trying to cram that into 20 minutes, doing a few exercises with an exercise “professional” and then hopping on a stim machine for 15 minutes. 

The third thing I wanted to share is regarding denials. These same insurance companies taking ridiculous premiums every year will STILL deny your claims for service. In response to the UHC CEO death, it put out a statement that they were guarding against the evils of “unnecessary care”. Meaning they are purposefully trying to decide whether or not you actually need help. Not you. Not a doctor. Not a therapist. But the insurance company gets to decide whether you get care or not. So even if a doctor tells you that you need rehab for 6 months or 9 months of PT following an ACL repair to get back to sport, they have the ability to say no. And that actually happened to a Division 1 volleyball player that I worked with a few years back. He had a bad injury, tore every ligament in his knee and had major surgery. The rehab protocol was 9 months minimum and they cut him off after 6 weeks because he was functional enough to walk and that was their criteria for services. They weren’t there to cover anything more than returning you to a “functional state”.

My hope is just to continue to educate and empower people to stick up for their rights for better healthcare coverage and to show that the providers like me aren’t charging cash rates in order to rip you off. We know we are worth as much as a decent personal trainer, and we got into this business to provide better quality and truly help people. We can’t do that seeing 20-30 patients a day for 15-20 minutes each. You deserve better and so do we.

The Importance of Exercise As We Age

The Importance of Exercise As We Age

Exercise is important at every age. Babies need to crawl and walk and reach the rest of their motor milestones. Children need to climb and run and jump and play. Teenagers need to play sports or compete. Adults need to exercise for health and longevity. Older adults need it to sustain a longer and quality life. 

A big problem in this world is the “coddling” of the older generation. Traditionally, as adults approach retirement in their 60’s and 70’s, we’ve encouraged them to step back and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Relax more, stop doing yard work, be careful trying to get on the floor with the grandkids. This ideology has set the older generation back a decade of function. One of the most important principles of connective tissue function (muscle, bone, tendons etc) and our central nervous system function (controls everything) is that if you stop using it, you will lose it. Atrophy to our muscles, bones and nervous system are so important as we age.


Older people should primarily focus on strength training and power. A critical and often overlooked element of decline is not just the lack of ability to produce force (strength), but rather how quickly one can produce force. The biggest risks in the older generations are falls. One of the biggest reasons that they have falls is lack of sufficient ability to react quickly to a stimulus (like loss of balance). They need to prepare for the most vulnerable situations by practicing quick movements.

Just to highlight some key data related to falls:

The mortality rate (death rate) is 17-25% for a hip fracture associated with a fall. Those who are 50 or older have a 3x greater likelihood for mortality than those under 50. 

Fall prevention is far more than balance training. If we have capable muscles that are strong and can move fast, the likelihood of falls reduces by incredible margins. And, worst case scenario, if you do have a fall, the stronger bones won’t break. 

We need to keep encouraging the older generation to do hard stuff for their health!!!

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Beginners Make

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Beginners Make

  1. Rush the process.
    • Patience is a virtue. It takes months of foundation building and years of training to achieve most people’s goals. Don’t be sold on quick fixes or the idea that you can change your life or physique in a few months. Build a quality foundation and layer on gradual intensity to achieve your dream.
    • All roads lead back here. Without a program that includes consistency as the foundational element, it will fail.
  2. Work too hard (yes, I do mean this)
    • Keep the intensity reasonable.
    • You don’t have to be dripping sweat or feeling a crazy burn to be effective, and likely shouldn’t for the first month or two.
    • Too many people start too aggressive and end up burning out or too sore/tired to keep it up.
  3. Too much frequency
    • Yes I know that it sounds crazy that doing too much is a problem, but burnout really is the biggest risk to achieving success.
    • You aren’t ready to workout every day – start with 2-3 days per week, increase to 3-5 after a few weeks or a month depending on how you feel.
    • Time management is one of the biggest obstacles to success, make it more achievable.
  4. Too much volume
    • You don’t have to be in the gym for an hour to be effective.
    • Start simple and keep it to the most important exercises – keep your workouts under 30 minutes.
    • Once again, trying to do too much is one of the biggest mistakes.
  5. Too much emphasis on abs
    • You cannot spot reduce fat, which means no amount of abdominal training is going to give you a beach body – you’ll just get stronger abs beneath the surface.
    • Spend time on compound exercises like squats, lunges, deadlifts, presses – you will gain far more value out of these than a ton of abdominal exercises.

Notice that the majority of this list involves doing “too much”. We have to take a step back if you are a beginner. Hard work is noble and necessary for results. But not in the beginning. We have to lay the groundwork for success and cannot emulate what a seasoned bodybuilder or powerlifter workout looks like if we’ve never done it before. Make your goals 6 months to a year out. You will not gain any meaningful results by trying to cram a lot of exercise or movement into a short amount of time. Good habits are the building blocks for long term success and reaching your goals.

How Old Do You Need To Be To Start Strength Training?

How Old Do You Need To Be To Start Strength Training?

We have been told in the past that kids shouldn’t be lifting heavy weights. We’ve had a rough guideline for young kids that they really shouldn’t be doing any sort of formal strength training before puberty / teenage years. We’ve often cited that the risk is too high for injury or that kids can damage their growth plates. I still hear this pretty consistently from parents of young athletes.

In truth, there is very little evidence to support the idea that strength training will harm growth. If that were true, we would have to tell kids to stop running and playing as well. I don’t know any young kids who can lift three times their bodyweight. Yet if we look here, going for a run puts up to 3x bodyweight forces into our joints. Jumping up to 7x our bodyweight. A normal, healthy sport like gymnastics can produce up to 11x bodyweight forces. The math doesn’t add up. A typical, controlled weight lifting session would probably put .5-2x bodyweight forces into a child’s joints and that is “dangerous”, but jumping and running and sport all “safe” despite having significantly higher stress. Do we see the contradiction here?

ActivityBodyweight Forces (Lower Extremity)
Jumping (Two Legs)5-7x

Young kids are likely to be putting more stress on their joints from normal activities like sport and play than they are with weightlifting. Furthermore, more stress is not a bad thing. Stress is ultimately what builds us stronger and more capable. It’s the dosage that matters. The same way we wouldn’t introduce a track athlete to running with marathon distances, we would never introduce ridiculously heavy weights into a person’s programming until they’ve earned it over many many years. The same for adults.

Strength training offers so much value for the health of our bones, muscles, tendons, cartilage, nervous system; it helps with performance and injury prevention. It’s probably time to start rethinking the idea that strength training at a young age is dangerous, and instead look at the best ways to introduce appropriate training to the younger generation. Very young kids would probably benefit more from learning how to control their bodies in space, do more jump, sprint and agility training and build strength through more fun activities rather than barbells and dumbbells. But these are just tools to gain a mechanical advantage, and they shouldn’t be seen as these scary objects. If a child is both physically and emotionally mature enough to use tools that could help them improve, why wouldn’t we want to utilize them? Our problem is the perception that they are dangerous. The truth is that they are not appropriate for many adults just starting out either. But for the kids that are a little more advanced or mature, we are probably holding them back from reaching their potential. We should let the trainers help to determine who is ready and who is not.

Stop Fearing The Barbell

Stop Fearing The Barbell

Getting stronger is very simple. Do stuff that’s hard enough for a long enough period of time and you will build strength. We will see muscular changes, bone changes, connective tissue changes and central nervous system changes as you do hard enough stuff over time. Lifting heavy things to get stronger has been around for centuries. But in the last few decades we’ve seen a shift in perception where many people will blame heavy things for the reason they are hurt or injured (or how it will inevitably cause injury). This couldn’t be further from the truth. Strong things don’t break. Weak things vulnerable. It’s as simple as that. I still hear so much negative commentary around heavy lifting or heavy impact activities (running, jumping) that talk about how bad they can be for your joints. I’m here to help put an end to these ideas. They’re wrong for so many reasons. There is far greater evidence out there saying that a joint exposed to these high forces over time have BETTER cartilage preservation and joint health than those that do not. We must stop fearing the things like running, jumping, and lifting heavy. The negative discussion surrounding things that stress the body continues to permeate our culture. The worst culprits, in many ways, are health care providers! So many doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors, masseuses etc. perpetuate these lies without showing any evidence. And, naturally, if the “educated” are willing to spread nonsense, of course the general public is going to believe it. We all agree that the healthiest individuals are typically the ones that train the hardest and eat the best. The stress to our system is far more advantageous than it is disruptive.

It’s not uncommon to see weightlifters get injured. Bench pressers often complain of shoulder pain, squatters deal with a lot of hip and low back pain, deadlifters might experience some low back pain. And for some reason we’ve decided to assume that because these things happen, lifting weights is bad for us or makes us more injury prone. Weightlifting, contrary to popular belief, has one of the lower injury rates of all sports. And, maybe most importantly, the injuries we see in weightlifting are typically under our control (ie you did too many reps, too much weight, poor mechanics etc.). Very rarely so we see any acute trauma in recreational weightlifting that requires major surgery or intervention. There is far more likelihood that you will get injured from NOT lifting heavy than lifting heavy (as long as you train appropriately). Be smart, train hard, and understand that pain is a normal part of the process at times. But good training will significantly reduce the probability for and severity of injury. Don’t be scared of working hard. Be smart, be confident, and push your limits.